Feb 27, 2020
It's so important to know when to train and when not to…
You develop this knowledge from a consistent workout regime. Slowly you build up a high tolerance for any intense or endurance based sessions.
Knowing your body is crucial to getting into a solid routine of training. Now I understand that not everyone is like me...
Feb 23, 2020
Recently I read the book ATOMIC HABITS by James Clear and it rocked my socks. So much so that I have also done a Podcast with Isaac John from YKTR on his podcast platform “THE ICE PROJECT” to share our delight in how good the book is. This is just a short and sharp podcast about what I took away from it aswell as...
Feb 16, 2020
I wrote this Blog about negativity and just came across again. I wanted to share a negative situation that happened in my gym and how it affected me. Being positive in life is the only way to truly get the most out of your life. Life is way too short to worried and consumed about the little negative things in your life....
Feb 9, 2020
First of all what is an “AMRAP”?
AMRAP stands for "as many reps as possible" or "as many rounds as possible." It's a workout structure frequently used for conditioning that pushes your body to the max within a set period of time (anywhere from 3 minutes to 60 minutes). In this episode I talk to you about how you can...
Feb 2, 2020